


My human name is John. After more than 9,500 hours and ten years of research and development I developed battery technology that is more powerful than all lithium-ion battery technology on earth I have examined. I want to export my battery technology to reduce Global Warming and help the people of Earth, but have been prevented from doing so by the United States Department of State. I started Altec Power to manufacture and sell my batteries.  I am not seeking financing from the USA.  Parties outside of the USA are willing to work with me to manufacture and distribute my batteries and weapons technology. I want to export my technology.  I believe that if I am allowed to export my battery technology that I will be able to reduce global warming.

Many humans ask me if I have a patent. I tell them I do not and I am asked why.  The answer is because the United States allows theft of patented technology according to 28 USC 1498 If I were to patent my technology a government contractor could use my technology without my permission and make items and sell them to the United States without paying me to use my technology.  According to 28 USC 1498 which states, “Whenever an invention described in and covered by a patent of the United States is used or manufactured by or for the United States without license of the owner thereof or lawful right to use or manufacture the same, the owner’s remedy shall be by action against the United States in the United States Court of Federal Claims for the recovery of his reasonable and entire compensation for such use and manufacture. Reasonable and entire compensation shall include the owner’s reasonable costs, including reasonable fees for expert witnesses and attorneys, in pursuing the action if the owner is an independent inventor, a nonprofit organization, or an entity that had no more than 500 employees at any time during the 5-year period preceding the use or manufacture of the patented invention by or for the United States. Nothwithstanding [1] the preceding sentences, unless the action has been pending for more than 10 years from the time of filing to the time that the owner applies for such costs and fees, reasonable and entire compensation shall not include such costs and fees if the court finds that the position of the United States was substantially justified or that special circumstances make an award unjust.”  I believe that a court would find that the United States was justified in stealing my technology.  What the foregoing means is that I would have to come up with millions of dollars to file suit against the United States and hope that a judge does not just dismiss my lawsuit.

The following is from WikipediaGovernment patent use law is a statute codified at 28 USC § 1498(a)[1] that is a “form of government immunity from patent claims.” Section 1498 gives the federal government of the United States the “right to use patented inventions without permission, while paying the patent holder ‘reasonable and entire compensation’ which is usually “set at ten percent of sales or less”.  This statute “allows federal agencies and third party government contractors to manufacture and/or use any invention without authorization from the patent holder. The federal government’s rights are without an obligation for prior negotiation.”[5] Although Congress has the right to waive sovereign immunity for alleged patent infringement claims under the ‘government patent use’ statute, there are limits to the patent holder’s recourse in the United States Court of Federal Claims.

After spending $15 million in taxpayers funds to bankroll domestic research and production of vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) technology, the U.S. Department of Energy approved the transfer of all VRFB technology to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). To see an article regarding the government “GIVING” away VRFB technology to China, please click HEREAccording to NPR the United States Government “GAVE” away VRFB technology to China. To read the article from NPR please click HERE.  What I believe is that some government employee was paid to approve “GIVING” VRFB technology to China, I don’t want some government employee to  “GIVE” away my battery technology, like the government did with VRFB technology.  If you believe the government employee who approved the transfer of VRFB technology did so without being paid please send an email to giveaway@altecpower.com.

The battery technology I created took more than ten years of research and more than 9,500 hours of my time.  Approval to export battery technology is required from two agencies of the USA.  To export battery technology developed in the United States, I must obtain permission from the Bureau of Industry and Security of the United States Department of Commerce, http://www.bis.doc.gov, in the earth year 2014 I sought and obtained the needed approval to export my battery technology and then learned that I also needed approval from the United States Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC). I then applied to the DDTC, seeking permission to export my battery technology, then, on or about November 7, 2014, while waiting for permission to export my battery technology, I received a letter from the DDTC, voiding my application to export my technology. In the letter The DDTC asked that I provide the DDTC with detailed schematics and blueprints of my battery technology.

The position of the USA is that I must give the USA plans to my battery technology before I can export my battery technology.  Also the position of the USA is that it has no liability if the plans to my battery technology are stolen stolen while in the custody of the USA.  The USA maintains that If I provide plans to my battery technology to the USA, the USA has the right to give away the plans to my battery technology to anyone without compensating me. The USA also asserts that even if it’s proven that an employee of the USA stole the plans to my battery technology or the USA was careless and allowed another party to steal the plans to my battery technology that the USA is not liable for the theft due to the doctrine of Qualified Immunity. Qualified Immunity is a legal doctrine in United States federal law that shields public officials when they commit acts that most people would consider to be wrong, careless or illegal.

I want to export my battery technology and create millions of jobs around the world and at the same time reduce global warming by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. I also designed and built a Fully Electric Vehicle (FEV)  utilizing my battery technology to be sold for $14,999.95.  The vehicle I designed (AltecCar) has a range of over 750 miles when fully charged.

The AltecCar comes with three batteries. Battery A, Battery B and Battery C. During typical driving the AltecCar has Battery A and Battery B installed and Battery C stays off vehicle being charged. When Battery A is near depletion the AltecCar would alert the driver to swap Battery A with Battery C. With two fully charged batteries on board and battery C, the AltecCar has a range of over 1,000 miles.

Many humans have asked me why I don’t manufacture my batteries in the United States. I would like to manufacture my batteries in the United States but I can not afford to. The cost to pay for permits to manufacture my batteries in the USA, and to build infrastructure and manufacturing capability to manufacture my batteries in the USA would cost more money than I have.  If I’m allowed to export my battery technology I can then utilize existing infrastructure and manufacturing capability that exists in other countries to manufacture my batteries in those other countries. I believe that if I’m allowed to export my battery technology that I would be able to earn sufficient money to eventually open production facilities in the USA and create many jobs for humans in the USA.

I live in California which has suffered many massive devastating fires that have caused many Billions of Dollars in damage and have taken many lives. A fast response to the start of a fire would prevent massive fires from happening. To achieve that goal I designed and built a flying unmanned craft I’ve named a Fire Suppression Unit (FSU). A FSU is remotely operated in a way similar to how the US military operates drones. A FSU utilizes my battery technology to achieve flight. A FSU carries up to 125 gallons of water and has multiple water nozzles that can spray water at the point of origin of a fire once detected. A FSU has a top speed of over 70 miles per hour and an operational envelope of over 12 hours. I believe that FSUs at the control of a local Fire Authority could arrive at the point of origin of a fire and put out the fire before it could grow too large to effectively combat from the ground. Additionally a FSU could operate in any area regardless of terrain. Many fires grow so large because firefighters can’t get to the point of origin of a fire to extinguish the fire. Once a fire is detected A FSU could be flown to the origin of the fire and begin spraying water to extinguish the flames. Additionally a FSU could also act as an Evacuation Craft where an injured person could be placed in one of the two litters attached to the FSU and flown to a local hospital or waiting medical personnel. Also a FSU could be used to evacuate people trapped by fire.

A FSU equipped with high resolution cameras could hover over a fire and provide valuable information to the local fire authority by transmitting video to the fire authority all the while without endangering lives.

FSUs have harnesses that can be deployed to pick up people who are trapped.

In the event of a disaster, FSUs could be deployed to save people and deliver needed medical supplies and food as well as evacuate injured people.

I believe that multiple FSU launching pads strategically placed in areas prone to fire could effectively end massive wildfires that devastate California

The total cost to operate a helicopter in a firefighting role is more than $1,700.00 per hour and puts the lives of the people in the helicopter at risk. The cost per hour to operate a FSU in a firefighting role would be less than $100 per hour and would not place lives at risk. A FSU could be flown into the worst fire conditions without risking lives.


I contacted many politicians in the USA to seek help in exporting my battery technology.  None have helped.  I was told that the reason politicians do not help me to export my technology is because when I seek their help the first question they want answered is, “What’s in it for me?”







